Friday 1 June 2012

Manage and measure your reputation. Get rewarded!

About Naymz

Naymz is a one-of-a-kind network that helps you manage and measure your online reputation and earn free products and services for your good name.

  • Manage Your Personal Brand

    Now, more than ever, your online Personal Brand is critical to achieving your professional and personal aspirations. With Naymz, you can: 

    Build a public profile that highlights your skills, interests, and experiences. Your profile is optimized and indexed in Google, Yahoo, and other leading search engines so that others will find your profile when searching for you. 

    Find and post ideas, opportunities, and opinions on Naymz Exchange. The Exchange platform will also allow you to post directly to Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn from your Naymz account.

    Publish written endorsements and references from colleagues to your profile. These add a layer of trust and validation to your reputation.
  • Measure your Reputation & Influence

    Each Naymz member is given a RepScore, which has three primary components:
    Peer assessments: Do your peers find you trustworthy and reputable? Naymz provides a quick uestionnaire to your contacts when they connect with you. The more peers who vouch for your reputation, and the higher their RepScores, the better your RepScore becomes.

    Social influence: Are you somebody that others listen to and engage with? Naymz calculates likes, comments, and reposts on Naymz and across your connected accounts like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

    Transparency: What makes you unique and valuable? Companies, recruiters, colleagues, and clients are all using search engines and social networks to discover information about you. Being visible and maintaining a strong, authentic personal brand on the Web has never been more important. Earn RepScore points by defining yourself on your Naymz profile.

    Earn Free Stuff
    Members get rewarded for having a good reputation and being an influencer. Naymz gives away products and services to our top members with strong RepScores through RepRewards.

    Naymz is FREE, so join today and start elevating your personal brand

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