Monday 26 November 2012

Why is Smart Media the GREATEST Opportunity Ever Created?

To answer this question we need to look at what Smart Media does.
Smart Media is developing a global social community as has been done by Google, Facebook and other successful Internet companies that give away valuable services to the Internet community.
  •  Billions of people use Google to search the Internet every day
  • Facebook has a billion members who use it to connect with people around the world
  • Youtube, Twitter, Skype and many others have proven this system works
Smart Media’s goal is to attract every person who uses the Internet by making our free offer IRRESISTABLE to anyone online by offering them “value” and “choice”. By doing this, the Home Page Pays system is destined to become the greatest FREE gift ever offered online.
We believe this quote from the University of Melbourne “Voice” is referring to Smart Media … they just don’t know it … YET!!!
You can easily learn how our soon-to-be-released HPP2.0 system can give you a BETTER online experience by reading Smart Media Magazine and visiting our website. You can also set up your own HPP account with our current version 1.0 that will be upgraded with all the brilliant new features of 2.0 upon its release.
Have you ever wondered how companies like Google, Facebook and others make their money? If you can search on Google for free, how do they make so much money? If you can join Facebook for free, how did its founder, Mark Zuckerberg, become the youngest billionaire in the world? The answer is Advertising… Digital Advertising is BIG business and these companies have proven it works!
Smart Media sells a variety of digital advertising services to anyone wanting to promote themselves, any company, product or service online. To find out more about these exceptional digital advertising services, please take a few minutes to read pages 20 – 25 of Smart Media Magazine… you can see a digital copy on our website.
BIG Internet companies have generated billions of dollars, with Mark Zuckerberg and many others becoming very wealthy as a result. However, unless YOU were one of the fortunate few, you never had an opportunity to tap into the fortunes being made online. Now you CAN, thanks to Smart Media!
If we, the people, did not use these companies’ services, they would not make any money. Our CEO and Founder, David Martin, created Smart Media as a way to give back to the world and to make the world a better place. He believes that if those using the system help to generate the revenue, it is only right they should share in the rewards.
Just take a moment to think about that…Smart Media sharing the major percentage of all advertising revenue with its members for their Internet activity and for being part of our community. That is right; giving back to our members who help us generate the revenue. It really is a new way of thinking and it is giving the average person, who might not have any technical or sales or marketing experience, a chance to tap into these fortunes that are being made online.
Those members who make the most substantial contribution to our community will receive the largest slice of the huge advertising revenue pie.
It is genius and for more information on Smart Media’s “Vision for the Future”, read Smart Media Magazine To discover how you can make money, visit your referrer’s website!

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